Beta Scripts: Tire Rolling Script
Key Features:
- Rollable Tires: Includes an extensive list of tires that can be rolled dynamically across various terrains.
- Rideable Tires: Selected tires can be ridden for a thrilling and chaotic adventure.
- Custom Notifications: Built-in client and server-side notification systems to keep players informed and engaged.
- Seamless Integration: Compatible with all frameworks And targets for effortless integration into your server.
- Debugging Made Easy: Adjustable debug settings to monitor and troubleshoot with shallow or deep log levels.
- Fall Damage Mechanics: Immersive fall damage calculations for realistic gameplay while rolling or riding tires.
- Interactive Targeting: Players can interact with tires using Ox Target to pick up, roll, or ride them.
- Configurable Functions: Highly customizable configurations to fit the unique needs of your server.
- Configurable Any Prop: In config.
Technical Details:
- Configurable Locale: Set your desired locale for a personalized player experience.
- Roll and Ride Toggle: Choose if players can ride objects they roll.
- Loop While Riding: Prevent unwanted player actions while riding tires for a smooth and immersive experience.
Endless Possibilities:
Use this script to create races, obstacle courses, or just wild and chaotic gameplay moments. Whether it's for serious challenges or casual fun, Beta Scripts' Tire Rolling is a must-have addition to your server.
Add it to your server today and roll into the fun!